Laserfiche Solutions
What is Capture?
Laserfiche is only as effective as the content it contains. If you don’t have it in Laserfiche, then you can’t create an automated process around it. Capture refers to the method used to bring different types of content into Laserfiche so that it can be used within an automated business process. Laserfiche allows users to take advantage of a variety of capture methods for both paper and electronic content.

What are the different capture methods?
With Laserfiche, we offer different capture methods for both paper documents
and electronic documents. The following are some of the most popular methods:

Laserfiche Mobile
The Laserfiche mobile app allows users to take photos with their mobile devices and save them automatically in Laserfiche. These images can be automatically cropped and OCRed. Users can also fill out electronic forms through the app.

Laserfiche Forms
Laserfiche Forms allows for the capture of unstructured data through an electronic form. Electronic forms can be stored in Laserfiche after they are submitted. Users can also upload other types of electronic files through a form and those attachments can be stored in Laserfiche.

Import Agent
Import Agent is used for moving content that has been scanned onto a network drive, into Laserfiche without user intervention. The utility can be scheduled to look for documents during a certain time frame or continuously.

Quick Fields
Quick Fields is perfect for scanning batches of invoices, purchase orders, contracts, and any other standardized document. It can then be categorized and extract data from an external database or from the document page to automatically populate metadata. Quick Fields sessions can be run manually or on a schedule using Quick Fields Agent.

Laserfiche Mobile
Whether it is onboarding new employees or registering new patients, most organizations must do transactional processing. Laserfiche Mobile simplifies transactional processes by streamlining the entire review and approval process. This lets organizations access the features of the Laserfiche Client anywhere their work takes them. Using a smartphone or tablet, organizations can:
- Eliminate manual file transfers by sending photos from your mobile device directly to the repository.
- Automatically assign identification information to your files.
- Content captured on mobile devices is full-text searchable.
Import Agent
Import Agent is a tool for automatically retrieving files stored in a Windows folder and importing them into a Laserfiche repository. The Windows folder can be local to the Import Agent machine or stored on a network drive.
Import Agent runs as a Windows service named Laserfiche Import Agent Service to retrieve, import, move, and delete files from monitored folders.

Electronic Forms
With Laserfiche Electronic Form, you can automatically extract information from documents as soon as they are scanned or imported into the repository. Instantly sort, name, route, and file incoming documents based on the information contained within them. Recover time spent importing, processing, and indexing documents by reducing data entry, ensuring data integrity, keeping tasks moving smoothly, remotely working, easy customization, and simplifying templates.
- Customize web forms to match your company’s branding
- Centralize task management with user-defined approval processes and task lists
- Measure success and increase accountability with configurable reporting tools
Records Management
Laserfiche Records Management Edition is DoD 5015.2-certified software that transforms paper records into digital, accessible organizational assets. This allows you to enforce records management policies across all devices by storing only one copy of a record in a centralized repository. Save employee time by automatically classifying and applying disposition schedules to incoming records

Quick Fields
Laserfiche Quick Fields is a great tool for automating content capture within your organization. Yet, it can be much more than that. When used in the advanced ways described below, it can play an essential part in your business processes.
When you are scanning a very large batch of documents, you may want to review the metadata of certain files to make sure they have been processed correctly. Before storing your documents in the Laserfiche repository, you can open the Find Documents Pane and search for processed documents that contain a particular term in their text, path or metadata.
- Moving fields around in a template in order to make data input more intuitive for the scanner operators.
- Automatically extract information from documents as soon as they are scanned or imported into the repository.
- Instantly sort, name, route and file those incoming documents based on the information contained within them.

How do I incorporate capture into my business process?
Some organizations keep the capture component separate from the overall automated business process. Content is stored in Laserfiche only after it is collected, compiled, and processed. In some cases, users rely on Laserfiche solely as a final archive for documents.
Content should be imported into Laserfiche as early as possible, allowing users to search and access documents no matter where they are in their lifecycle. Because all content is entered into Laserfiche as soon as it is received, urgent documents can be accessible right away. A document’s audit history reflects the entire document lifecycle, not just how the document was used after processing.
Let’s work together.
Our amazing team has a proven record of helping organizations improve operations, power innovation,
and gain momentum in the workplace. How can we help you capture your business data?