Momentum Events here image, text overlaying an image of a large group of people at an event.

The laserfiche

User Groups

Join the Laserfiche community in your area! Network with other Laserfiche users. Exchange tips and tricks for repository design, process automation, and more. Learn how your peers use Laserfiche through live demonstrations and Q&A sessions.  Learn More.

Regional Training

Find certified Laserfiche training classes in your area. Learn how to apply and configure new products and features. Take advantage of unused functionality in your Laserfiche system. Learn how to troubleshoot and resolve problems quickly.  Learn More.

Where are you in your digital transformation?

Both personally and in business, we strive to succeed. We believe that if you are not improving, you are declining. With this same passion, we help our clients continually improve their processes, leveraging Laserfiche.

Check out our roadmap for transforming your organization into a digital workplace. It provides a structured framework for content digitization, process automation, analytics, and more.