What's New

Important Laserfiche Update

Mar 9, 2023

Laserfiche has officially announced that all versions of Laserfiche prior to version 10.4 are no longer supported and will not receive support from Laserfiche. Although Momentum will continue to support you, we will be limited in our ability to do so.

Why is it a good time to upgrade?

Laserfiche 11 is packed full of exciting updates! Below is a list of just a few of the exciting new features.

  • Improved Form Layout Designer
  • Edit In-Progress Process Variables
  • Suspend Instances with Design Flaws
  • New Forms Audit Trail
  • Ability to Restart a completed/terminated instance
Audit Trail
  • Improved Audit Trail Reporting Performance
  • Improved Reporting Capabilities
  • Improved PDF Page Generation
Web Client
  • New Quick Search Bar Improvements
  • Improved Preview View
  • Web Client Batch Printing Now Available
Laserfiche API Server
  • New self-hosted RESTful API server

Your dedicated Client Success Consultant will be reaching out to you over the next few months to work on scheduling your upgrade!

About Momentum

No matter the job, the industry, the process or procedure, at Momentum we have solutions to help simplify the work you do so you can focus on forward movement, increased efficiency and growing your business.

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