What Does Your LSAP Cover?
Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan
The LSAP is an annual support package, your first year is included with your initial purchase. Your LSAP renewal will be invoiced annually. It is critical to keep a current LSAP for your Laserfiche software. The following items are included with your LSAP.

Latest Product Releases
Get new versions, updates and hotfixes of licensed products at no additional charge as soon as they are released. Rapid-response technical support Promptly troubleshoot and resolve any Laserfiche-caused maintenance issues that arise before they impact operations or staff productivity.

Online Support Resources
Receive an account for Laserfiche Answers, the online social community for Laserfiche users and developers. You’ll also get access to the large library of technical white papers, help files and education materials on the Laserfiche Support Site.

Built-In System Growth
Apply 100% of the purchase price of your original Laserfiche software toward product upgrades.
Annual LSAP does not cover technical issues related to servers, hardware, access rights, or any technical issue that is not a known issue with Laserfiche. Cancellation of Subscription licensing requires 60 days’ notice prior to the renewal anniversary date.
Additional support will be invoiced at the standard hourly rate or deducted from the pre-purchased block of hours support package. This includes issues that may be affecting your Laserfiche system not caused by Laserfiche which may include: access rights issues, re-installation of Laserfiche on new or upgraded hardware, questions on how to use Laserfiche and its features, collaborating, consulting, and training to utilize Laserfiche for your systems including building and modifying templates, workflows, forms, and Quick Field sessions.